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News & Events
Keeping you up to speed on the latest developments in charge detection mass spectrometry (CDMS).
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from the TrueMass experts

TrueMass Native - Accurate, Fast, True: CDMS Presented at ASMS 2024 in Anaheim, CA
"Even after nearly 30 years in mass spectrometry and instrument development, nothing quite prepared me for the excitement of actually seeing charge detection in my laboratory."

CDMS presented at ASMS in Philadelphia, PA
TrueMass presents world’s first commercially designed charge detection mass spectrometer (CDMS) at this year’s ASMS in Philadelphia, PA. Offering the ability to enhance mass spectrometry, widely used in small molecule detection, the TrueMass technology enables detailed analysis of macromolecules such as viruses.
Click below to see which events we’re attending – where you can see the TrueMass CDMS technology for yourself

ASMS2024: True Mass CDMS Updates
A novel dual sector Charge Detection Mass Spectrometer (CDMS) for Analysis of Adeno-Associated Viruses (AAVs)
June 6th, 3:50pm - 4:10pmBallroom DE (Level 3)

ASMS 2023: Analysis of Megadalton ions
Using a novel dual sector Charge Detection Mass Spectrometer (CDMS). We will update you with our latest results from our TrueMass CDMS instrument.
Our poster number: TP 406

ASMS 2021: Teaching an old geometry new tricks
Poschenrieder for charge detection mass spectrometry. Read more in the TrueMass poster exhibit at ASMS 2021